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Aromasin (Exemestic) is a breast cancer treatment medication designed for treating breast cancer in women who are post-menopausal and who still have the disease after using a SERM drug such as Clomifene Citrate (Clomid).

The best way to keep Estrogen from causing problems is to make sure it is never created in high amounts in the first place. Using a compound that inhibits the Aromatase Enzyme is a sure way to make sure Testosterone and other Steroids are never converted into side-effect causing Estrogen. A compound that inhibits the Aromatase Enzyme from creating Estrogen is called an Aromatase Inhibitor, or AI for short. There are a lot of options out there when it comes to AI’s (Aromatase Inhibitors), and Aromasin is certainly one of the most popular options for bodybuilders that cycle steroids for several reasons.

The half-life of Aromasin is only about 9 hours and clears quickly. However, because of how effective Exemestane is at eliminating Aromatase enzymes (80-90% after administration), estrogen levels will remain low up to 72 hours after a single dose of 25mg. This is why aromasin is very effectively dosed every other day.

Now, the place where Aromasin really shines is in post cycle therapy (PCT). There is simply no other Aromatase inhibitor that can compare in terms of its effects on recovery. We already mentioned how Aromasin lowers SHBG, which increases free testosterone.
What does that mean? In a study, Aromasin dosed at 25mg per day increased total testosterone by 60% in only 10 days. Even better than that, is the fact that free (useable) testosterone increased over 100% in the same time frame! In addition, Aromasin also increases IGF-1 levels. There is no estrogen rebound from Aromasin, and it is also a very powerful and effective treatment for gynecomastia. All of this makes Aromasin a no-brainer for post cycle therapy as well as on cycle estrogen control.

Keifei - Exemestic 25 – Aromasin


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