Turinabol is a product for a dry weight gain cycle. This product has the following results:
An impressive increase in strength.
A very significant increase in muscle mass.
Less water retention than with Dianabol.
Better quality earnings
Turinabol is one of the best oral steroids for mass gain.
As part of a mass gain cycle, this product combines very well with testosterone, Parabolan, Boldenone, Nandrolone or Masteron or, in tablets, with Androlic; for increased strength it can also be combined with Anavar.
In the context of a mass-gain cycle, this product combines well with Winstrol, Primobolan or Primabolan, Clenbuterol or Cytomel.
This product should be taken for at least 4 weeks and at most 6 weeks.
Cooper - Turinabol 10